The Automated Datacenter

Let us assume, the networking team has received a call from the development team that they have created a new application.
They need some virtual networks, routing zones to deploy this application.
Within Apstra, it is very easy to define that intent - where those VMs and networks are located.
The intent is easy to define- where the machine are located and what policies are needed in place. Let us create a simple one for the sake of this example.
We are going to create a routing zone.
To get started click on 'Stage"
Click on "Virtual" tab.
Note: As a pure software implementation, the Apstra AOS operating system is installed on a server or on any VM. The device agents, which are installed on the device itself or outside, ensure that your existing network devices connect to the software. They can then be combined in the network design phase as logical devices and racks to form a template (blueprint).
Click on the "routing zones" tab.
Click on the "Create routing zone" button to create a new routing zone.
Add a desired VRF name to create the Routing zone.
Click on "Create" to finish creating the Routing zone. In this example we are calling it "Prod" since we are creating this to deploy a live application created by the development team.
Click on the "Prod Leaf loopback IP" tab that is highlighted by an alert icon.
Click on the "staged" tab first to get started.
Click on Create Virtual Networks button to get started.
One we enter all the necessary information, click on the "create" button to finish creating the Virtual network.
Choose the appropriate IP subnet such that the application is available on all the devices in the fabric. This is because the development team is certain to make the application available to all the employeed within the orgnaization.
Please note the configurations have not yet been pushed to the devices.
Click on the "Commit" button to push the configurations on to the devices in the fabric.
Apstra will convert the configurations into declarative language for every individual device in the fabric.
Click on the "active" tab.
We had named the config "Great App". This is a simple demonstration to highlight that the conifiguaration was indeed pushed down the the individual devices. The change was successful as is evident from the search results below.
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